All Children Deserve an Equal Chance to Beat Cancer
To "Donate by Mail": Jessica June Children's Cancer Foundation, 1 Las Olas Circle, Ste. 209, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316
Charity Navigator 100 Rating for "Impact & Results" (highest recognition offered)
GuideStar/Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency (highest recognition offered)
Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) "Outstanding Organization Award"
City of Ft. Lauderdale Proclamation May 24th Jessica June Children's Cancer Foundation Day
Imagine you are told "your child has cancer." Your entire life turns upside down. You face an immediate medical and emotional crisis, often followed by a financial crisis.
When a child is diagnosed with cancer, that child must have 24/7 care, often requiring a parent to quit their job. The loss of income can suddenly plunge a hardworking family into poverty, and lead to an avalanche of problems (i.e. homelessness, hunger, loss of power).
Most families are not prepared financially to survive without an income. JJCCF is committed to providing supportive care services and emergency financial assistance to help families pay for everyday necessities (i.e. rent, food, medical, electricity). The assistance is vital to the survival of these children receiving cancer treatment and prevents families from spiraling down.
Since 2004, JJCCF has provided emergency financial assistance and supportive care services to over 7,000 children and family members fighting childhood cancer.
97 cents of every dollar you donate directly funds our programs as per our latest financials and independent audit.
For more information please contact us at E: info@jjccf.org, T: (954)593-5603, www.JJCCF.org
Your support is so important. Thank you!