GO GOLD - Childhood Cancer Awareness Month image

GO GOLD - Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Help Local Children Fight Cancer

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Lifeline Support for Families Fighting Childhood Cancer

Our GO GOLD campaign during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month aims to spread awareness and raise upwards of $20,000 to support local children fighting cancer.

Your gift will become emergency financial assistance (i.e., food, rent, medical, electricity) for those we serve. Together, we are confident we will reach our goal to continue providing lifeline support for local families battling childhood cancer. All children deserve an equal chance to beat cancer.


  1. Charity Navigator "Give with Confidence" 100 out of 100 Rating (highest level of recognition offered)
  2. GuideStar Platinum Seal of Transparency (highest level of recognition offered)
  3. Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Recognition "Outstanding Organization Award"
  4. City of Fort Lauderdale naming May 24th Jessica June Children's Cancer Foundation Day

For more information please contact us at E: info@jjccf.org, T: (954)593-5603 (text / WhatsApp), www.JJCCF.org

Your support is so important. Thank you!